„Kým prídem ako spravodlivý Sudca, najprv prídem ako Kráľ milosrdenstva.
Skôr ako nadíde Deň spravodlivosti, ľuďom bude dané znamenie na nebi.
Zhasne všetko svetlo na nebi a bude veľká tma po celej zemi.
Vtedy sa objaví na nebi znak kríža a z otvorov, kde boli prebité ruky a nohy Spasiteľa,
bude vychádzať veľké svetlo, ktoré bude po nejaký čas osvetľovať zem.
Bude to krátko pred posledným dňom.“
Ježiš Kristus sv.Faustíne Kowalskej
Krakow - Poľsko / r.1928
„Ja som dala svetu Spasiteľa a ty máš hovoriť o jeho veľkom milosrdenstve a pripraviť svet na jeho druhý príchod, keď príde nie ako Milosrdný Spasiteľ, ale ako Spravodlivý Sudca. Ó, ten deň je strašný. Deň spravodlivosti, deň Božieho hnevu je určený. Trasú sa pred ním anjeli. Hovor dušiam o veľkom milosrdenstve, kým je čas zľutovania.“
Slová Panny Márie sv. Faustíne z dňa 25. Marca 1936:
Denníček 635
„Pred Kristovým príchodom Cirkev musí prejsť poslednou skúškou,
ktorá otrasie vierou mnohých veriacich.
Prenasledovanie, ktoré sprevádza jej putovanie tu na zemi, odhalí „tajomstvo neprávosti“ v podobe náboženského podvodu, ktorý prináša ľuďom zdanlivé riešenie ich problémov za cenu odpadnutia od pravdy. Najväčším náboženským podvodom je podvod antikrista, to znamená určitého pseudomesianizmu, v ktorom človek oslavuje sám seba namiesto Boha a jeho Mesiáša, ktorý prišiel v tele.
Tento podvod antikrista sa už rysuje vo svete vždy, keď si niekto nárokuje splniť v dejinách mesiášsku nádej, ktorá sa môže uskutočniť iba mimo dejín, a to eschatologickým súdom. Cirkev odmietla túto falzifikáciu budúceho Kráľovstva aj v umiernenej podobe, známu pod názvom „milenarizmus“, ale najmä v politickej podobe sekularizovaného,
„vnútorne zvráteného“ mesianizmu.
Cirkev vojde do slávy Kráľovstva len cez túto poslednú Veľkú noc, v ktorej bude nasledovať svojho Pána v jeho smrti a v jeho zmŕtvychvstaní. Kráľovstvo sa teda neuskutoční dejinným triumfom Cirkvi na spôsob vzostupného pokroku, ale víťazstvom Boha nad posledným náporom zla, po ktorom zostúpi z neba Kristova nevesta.
Božie víťazstvo nad vzburou zla bude mať podobu posledného súdu po poslednom kozmickom otrase tohto sveta, ktorý sa pomíňa“.
(Katechizmus Katolíckej Cirkvi / 675-677)
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14.02.2013 02:14Nový a posledný pápež : “Peter Rímsky” (zo zjavenia ct.Holzhausera a sv.Malachiáša)
14.02.2013 02:11Vystúpilo mnoho antikristov
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pp.Benedikt XVI. a viz.Vassula Ryden
Nežný Otec,
nenechaj dopadnúť Svoj hnev na túto generáciu,
aby úplne nezanikla.
Neponechaj Svoje stádo napospas strachu a úzkosti,
keď vody vyschnú a príroda spustne,
všetko zhynie v Tvojom hneve a zmizne bez stopy.
Žiara Tvojho Dychu zapáli zem a obráti ju na pustinu!
Na obzore sa objaví hviezda.
Noc bude ničivá a popol bude padať
ako sneh v zime, prikrývajúc Tvoj ľud ako prízraky.
Zmiluj sa nad nami, Bože
a neposudzuj nás prísne.
Rozpomeň sa na srdcia,
ktoré sa radujú v Tebe a Ty v nich.
Rozpomeň sa na Svojich verných,
a nenechaj na nás dopadnúť Svoju mocnú ruku,
ale radšej nás vo Svojom Milosrdenstve pozdvihni
a vtlač Svoje nariadenia do každého srdca.
(28.11.2009 / Ježiš Kristus - Vassule Ryden)
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Dátum: 15.02.2025
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Dátum: 01.02.2025
Titulok: Ansar Allah plans an attack on Dubai International Airport: retaliation for the use of satellite-directed weaponry against civilians in Yemen
According to information from a confidential source, the Ansar Allah terrorist group is preparing to carry out a terrorist attack at Dubai International Airport on September 14, 2025. The attack is reportedly in response to the alleged use of satellite-directed weaponry against civilians in Yemen, including incidents affecting the children of Houthi leaders.
The group plans to use drones equipped with explosive devices to target terminals, runways, and airport infrastructure. Such an attack could result in mass casualties and disrupt operations at one of the world's largest aviation hubs. Sources indicate that Ansar Allah's motivation is revenge for the suffering of civilians affected by precision strikes, which they attribute to forces linked to the UAE.
Dátum: 11.01.2025
Titulok: Ether Bank by Claude crypto insights
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Dátum: 10.01.2025
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Dátum: 09.01.2025
Titulok: Ether Bank by Claude crypto insights
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In an age where digital currencies dominate, EtherBank is your trusted partner for sustainable investments. With its robust platform, EtherBank crypto investment has redefined how we approach wealth creation.
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Dátum: 09.01.2025
Titulok: Irvine CA Emergency Plumber, Plumber in Irvine CA
Plumbers working together on a drain clearing job
Irvine CA Emergency Plumber
Rest assured we are here for your plumbing needs 24/7/365
Barker and Sons provide a variety of services to our Irvine customers. You can see a complete list of these services to the side here, such as drain cleaning and water heater installation. Barker and Sons Plumbing & Rooter is eager to help fix your plumbing problems in Irvine.
The Best Emergency Plumbing Services in Irvine, CA!
Barker & Sons plumber performing sewer camera inspection in Orange County
Barker and Sons is your emergency plumbing solution in Irvine. For over 35 years, we’ve served the area, and we’re proud to serve you, too. Our technicians are easy-to-understand and personable. We’ll show up to your Irvine home ready to work.
We offer friendly and courteous service from the moment you contact us to any questions or problems after leaving. Barker and Sons work hard to ensure your plumbing issues are fixed right the first time. Contact us now.
Sewer Line Repair & Replacement in Irvine
Do you have a sewer line problem and not exactly sure what the issue is?
Here’s a list of potential reasons:
Broken or cracked pipes
Pipes blocked by tree roots or grease
Corroding or deteriorating pipes
Pipes that have bellied or sunk into the ground due to soil conditions
Pipes that have leaking joints
When needing sewer repair services in the Irvine area, Barker and Sons Plumbing has got you covered. We offer a variety of trenchless sewer repair solutions and guarantee to have your sewer line up and running efficiently again with minimal disruption to your landscaping, sidewalk or driveway.
If your tree roots have caused a blockage to your home’s sewer line, it might be time for a replacement. Luckily, we have great technology and the technical knowledge to find your problems fast! With our in-pipe video inspection, you can view in real time the condition of your underground piping.
Check out our approach to trenchless pipe replacement.
Choose Barker and Sons and Put Your Plumbing Issues Behind You
Want to know why you should choose Barker and Sons as your go-to emergency plumbers? Here are a few reasons:
100% satisfaction guaranteed. We ensure your plumbing issues are fixed and fixed correctly before we leave your home – every time.
We provide a map you can check to see where your technician is and their ETA. We understand your time is essential.
Customer-centric plumbing solutions. Your time and money are valuable. We don’t want to waste either. We’ll give you honest recommendations upfront, and we’re available to fix your plumbing problem in Irvine 24/7.
Contact Barker and Sons now. We’re here to answer questions, schedule service calls, and reassure you that we’re the only Irvine plumber for you.
We’re Plumbing Experts First and Foremost
Barker and Sons lives and breathes plumbing. We’ve been doing this a long time, and we’ve learned a lot along the way. By continuing to educate ourselves and challenging ourselves with Irvine’s plumbing issues, we can make sure that our technicians are prepared for anything. This only benefits our customers as we find unique solutions to your home’s plumbing problems when needed.
Guaranteed Fast and Friendly Service in Irvine
We don’t want to waste your time with plumbing solutions that won’t work. We help you understand what’s wrong, offer the best solution possible, and get the job done right the first time. Barker and Sons is proud to provide the highest level of customer service you’ll see in plumbing in Irvine. We’re here for you when you first contact us for anything you need after the job is complete.
Want to see the Barker and Sons difference? Call us or contact us today to schedule an appointment and tackle your plumbing issues once and for all.
Our Plumbing Services in Irvine
Our plumbing services encompass any and all plumbing repairs, replacements, and new installations, including:
24-Hour Emergency Plumbing
Pipe Leak Detection and Repair
Slab Leaks Repairs
Drain Cleaning
Sewer Line Repairs
Video Sewer Camera Inspections
Rooter Service
Gas Leak Detection
Water Heaters & Tankless Water Heaters
Toilet Repair & Installation
Tubs & Showers
Sink and Faucet Replacement
Garbage Disposals
Hydro Jetting
Trenchless “No Dig” Sewer Pipe Repair
Copper & PEX Repiping
Water Purification Services
Earthquake Safety Valves
You name it, we can repair, install or replace it!
Contact Barker & Sons For All Your Plumbing Needs
When you need an emergency plumber in Irvine, your first call should be to Barker and Sons Plumbing. Our friendly and professional plumbers are available 24/7 to respond to any plumbing and water treatment issue you may be facing in your home. From drain cleaning to full pipe replacement, there’s no job too small, and nothing too big that we can’t take care of.
Contact Barker and Sons today to get the peace of mind that comes with having a well maintained plumbing system.
Featured Coupon
Barker & Sons Plumbing
Drain Cleaning
This applies to first time residential customers during regular business hours, main lines thru and accessible outside clean-out, cabling only, homeowners must be present (no rentals).
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Our Services
Emergency Plumbing Services
Burst Pipe Repair
Rooter Services
Pipe Leak Detection & Repair
Slab Leak Repairs
Orange County’s Repiping Experts
Orange County Gas Leak Detection & Gas Line Repair
Gas Line Installations
Garbage Disposal
Tubs & Showers
Sump Pumps
Water Heaters
Water Treatment & Conditioning
Residential Plumbing
Commercial Plumbing
Need service today?
Call our plumbing experts at 714-452-8460 or send
a request by clicking the button below.
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Barker & Sons Plumbing
Barker & Sons Plumbing
3900 E Miraloma Ave
CA 92806
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Plumbing Financing in Anaheim
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Drain Cleaning
This applies to first time residential customers during regular business hours, main lines thru and accessible outside clean-out, cabling only, homeowners must be present (no rentals).
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„...chcem vás poprosiť, aby
Rusko bolo zasvätené môjmu Nepoškvrnenému Srdcu ,
a aby bolo zavedené zmierujúce sväté prijímanie
na prvú sobotu v mesiaci.
Ak budú moje prosby splnené, Rusko sa obráti a nastane mier.
Ak nie, Rusko svoje omyly vo svete rozšíri,
tieto vyvolajú nové vojny a prenasledovania Cirkvi,
mnohé národy budú zničené,
dobrí budú mučení a svätý otec (pápež) bude mnoho trpieť.
Napokon však moje Nepoškvrnené Srdce bude triumfovať,
svätý otec mi zasvätí Rusko,
ktoré sa obráti
a svetu darujem obdobie mieru a pokoja.“
(Panna Mária viz.Lucia vo Fatime 13.7.1917)